Monday, October 8, 2007

Lacking motivation

I don't know why, but I am awful at getting school work done in the morning/afternoon. I am always so much more productive at night when things are quiet and I am winding down getting ready for bed. Today, I only had one class before Genevans. This would have been an excellent opportunity to get a lot of work done. All I managed to get done was a couple Fluids problems and find out that ANSYS, the program I need to use for my senior design project, is still not installed on any lab computers. So, I barely got anything done today. I even wasted a trip to Wal-Mart. I wanted to get my oil changed in my car, but Wal-Mart had a 2 hr wait. So I decided it wasn't worth it. On my way back home I realized I could have saved myself the trouble by just calling ahead. Oh well. I can get it changed during break.

Well, good news for New England sports fans. The Bo Sox swept the Angels, and the Pats are now 5-0. I have not been able to watch any of these games, but I will make it a priority to watch the ALCS this weekend. I am kinda hoping we get to play the Yankees. I think it would be pretty sweet to have the Sox win the World Series twice during my college career. I can still remember how excited I was my freshman year when they won. So, here's to the Red Sox winning another World Series!

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